You don't have a singing higher problem, you have a singing foundation problem.
On today's episode, I'll go through the exact step-by-step process that I use to help singers sing higher the easy way!
Key Takeaways
FREE Foundations of Singing Higher Course
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Full Transcription
You don't have a singing higher problem. You have a singing foundation problem. And this is great news. Because it's so easy to fix. On today's episode, I'll go through the exact step by step process that I use to help singers sing higher the easy way. You'll get the inf...
This summer I had the chance... no I didn't HAVE the chance...I MADE the chance... to take a 30 day road trip adventure with my partner, Jordan.
It got me out of my comfort zone and now I am even more inspired to travel more!
What have you done lately that is outside of your comfort zone?
In this episode, we will go through 7 ways to get out of your singing comfort zone so that you can become a more confident singer faster!
1:1 Voice Lessons with Tiffany
PS Jordan already made some videos of our can check them out in the links below!
Hiking Angel's Landing "the most dangerous hike in America."
The Colorado National Monument
So, I had a FIRST lesson with a singer the other day...
He wanted to improve his high notes and have them come out in a more full tone...his mix was already pretty good... so within the first 30 seconds I fixed his high notes.
Wanna know how?
Listen to the rest of this podcast!
1:1 Voice Lessons with Tiffany
FREE Foundations of Singing Higher Course
Full Transcript
Okay, I'm just too good at what I do. So I had a first lesson with a singer the other day and he wanted to improve his high notes and have them come out in a more full tone. His mix between his head voice and chest voice was already like pretty decent and within the first 30 seconds I fixed his high notes which is why he scheduled the voice lesson with me in the first place.
Literally 30 seconds. Do you want to know how? That's coming up in the rest of this podcast. Welcome to the star singer pod...
This message came in SO loud and clear to share with you today!
I'll leave it at that and let you listen to the episode! ;)
Full Transcript
Welcome to the star singer podcast, taking singers from overthinking and overwhelmed to loving your voice. yourself and the way that you sing. I'm Tiffany van Bokstel. And in the last 17 years, I've taught one on one lessons to as many as 50 singers a week. That's thousands of voice lessons. And I'm so excited to share.
What works with you because singing is simple. You're just overcomplicating it. So let's get started All right. I'm calling this a blackout riff because I don't even know what i'm going to say right now I did not plan this but here's the thing. I got this Incredible hit to share this With you. So here I am Doing the thing and hopefully it inspires you to do the thing You So what would it look like for you as a singer ...
Does your entire practice session revolve around "I hope I sound good today?
Do your performances feel boring because you focus on sounding like your favorite artist, instead of making the song your own
Are your practice sessions inconsistent or non -existent because you feel like you are never improving?
In this episode, we will go through 3 signs that you are waaaaay too focused on sounding good, why that's not working, and exactly what to do instead.
Key Takeaways From This Episode
Episode Links
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Three signs that you need to stop focusing on sounding good and start loving your voice now. Now you might be thinking, but how can I lo...
THE best singers are the ones that know themselves and their voice.
Because when you know yourself - the question isn't "why do I suck today...I always suck?" It's why isn't my voice doing what it usually does.
What DOES your voice usually do? Do you even know? Do you spend enough time with your voice to make that evaluation?
Can you feel where your vocal break is? Can you tell when your voice doesn't shimmer, sparkle, or have the same power as usual? Do you know what your optimal time of day for practice is?
THIS is knowing your voice. And when you know your voice, you can give yourself more grace. You can ask yourself what you need and what you want...instead of feeling frustrated and like you suck all the time.
The reality is that you don't suck...but you don't know your voice.
On today's episode...
We will go through 4 steps that will get you more motivated to love, accept and improve your singing!
Have you ever wondered how to build your singing confidence?
What if you could do it even before you were 100% sure if you sound good?
Confidence is a feeling and it can be something hard to figure out HOW to develop because it can be kind of intangible.
Here are some steps that you can take TODAY to BUILD your singing confidence.
Key Takeaways From This Episode:
Links from this Episode:
Episode 350: How To Set Your Singing Practice Up For Success
Episode 349: How To Design Your Perfect Vocal Warm-Up
FREE Foundations of Singing Higher Course
Full Transcript:
Have you ever wond...
Do your singing practice sessions always feel like a big let down? You went into the practice session with all kinds of high hopes and commitment and dedication - but it's really frustrating when you aren't sure what to do next and you aren't even sure if you sound good.
Your singing practice sessions - they are personal - and it can be really difficult to try to figure out what to do next or think practically when you just feel like you want your singing to get better fast...and it isn't
On today's episode, I'm going to share some practical resources that you not only need, but DESERVE, in order to make your practice sessions successful.
Episode 349: How To Design Your Perfect Vocal Warm-Up
Key Takeaways From This Episode:
Do you ever wonder what is the most effective way to warm-up your voice? Ok, honestly, you've probably never thought about it beyond warming up your voice. You have a few "go to" vocal exercises, but they are kind of boring.
You aren't sure how to actually improve and then after you warm-up you don't really know how to practice either.
This is totally normal! But it can't be the norm if you want to become better singer.
In this episode, you will learn:
FREE Foundations of Singing Course
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Full Transcript:
Do you ever wonder what is the most effective way to warm up? Okay, you probably don...
Have you ever wished that you knew how your voice was unique or wanted to discover your singing strengths?
You want to sound like you, but it's so frustrating when you don't even know if it sounds good.
Today I have one of the singers that I work with in 1:1 lessons, Kelly Maglia, and she is going to share her journey through this exact thing. We are going to show you how you can discover your singing strengths and stay true to yourself!
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Key Takeaways from This Episode:
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