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How To Sing Higher In 5 Steps Without Losing Your Voice Or Going Hoarse

sing higher Feb 04, 2021

If you want to learn how to sing higher, feel in control of your singing, and sound great - I’m here to help! 
If you are losing your voice or hurting your voice in a short period of time - like singing 3-5 songs...we need to talk! 
I’ve helped a ton of singers just like you learn how to sing higher and they all say the same’s SO easy. Or, it feels like an out of body experience. Or, I didn’t know I had so much power! I want you to feel that way too!


How To Sing Higher: The Challenge 


One of the biggest challenges when it comes to singing higher is doing it in a way that protects your voice. Singing higher or trying to take the voice higher is CHALLENGING and our first instinct when it doesn’t come out the way that we want may be to 
  • Try harder
  • Push more 
  • Repeat the same thing over and over again really fast, continuing to sound worse and get more frustrated (this is a normal thing that frustrated singers do - you are not alone!)
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How To Sing Higher With More Power, Consistency, and Control

sing higher Jan 29, 2021

If you want to learn how to sing higher with more power and consistency it is totally possible and you’ve come to the right place! This is something that I help singers with ALL the time. So if you feel like:
  • No matter how hard you try your high notes don’t come out the way that you want. 
  • You have no idea what to practice so that your high notes sound good. 
  • You find yourself cracking, straining or pushing your high notes.
  • Your high notes are inconsistent - some days they sound ok, but other days they sound terrible! 
If this is you, I’m going to show you how to sing higher the easy way. 

How to Sing Higher: Release The Voice  


One of the biggest mistakes that singers make is not learning how to release the voice and build a strong singing foundation of the basics of singing first before they try singing higher. I work on developing a strong singing foundation with my singers 1:1 and in the Green Room in their first 1-3 months of training. 
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4 Things To Focus On To Improve Your Singing Now

improve your singing Jan 27, 2021

If you are trying to improve your singing, you may feel:
  • Completely overwhelmed about what to do next 
  • Unsure what to practice in order to hear your singing improve
  • Worried about how you sound all the time.
  • Like your singing is “good enough.”
  • Like your singing isn’t the best it can be.
If this is you, you are NOT alone! 
As singers and musicians - you have a LOT going are 
  • Writing music
  • Recording music
  • Releasing singles
  • Marketing 
  • Rehearsing
Totally understand! You are super busy - but if you aren’t continuing to work on your singing - there is NO marketing plan that is going to save you if you don’t feel completely confident about the music that you are releasing. 
You need a consistent training plan that you can do 10-15 minutes a day 3-4 times a week in order to be at your very best and continue to improve! Knowing that you are on top of your game is so important for your confidence as well! 
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How To Be A Confident Singer: The Psychology

confidence Jan 27, 2021

One of the biggest reasons that singers choose to work with me is because they want to know how to be a confident singer. Totally get it!
You want to feel:
  • Proud and confident of your voice. 
  • Like you are in total control of your singing and your voice comes out the way that you want. 

How To Be A Confident Singer: Brain Triggers


A trigger is any circumstance that happens that “triggers” a thought. Then thoughts trigger your actions which trigger consequences. 
Triggers can be:
  • Emotional 
  • Mental 
  • Environmental 
  • Social 
Most of the triggers that create the thoughts that prevent you from becoming a confident singer are emotional and mental. 


How To Be A Confident Singer: What Most Singers Do

Here’s an example of something that might happen if you are not training with a vocal coach, not following a program, or trying to do it yourself. 
Trigger = Let’s pretend that you are singing a song and you sing a high note a...
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How To Be A Confident Singer: 3 Pillars

confidence Jan 26, 2021

The #1 goal for many singers is to be a confident singer. You want to know that your singing sounds awesome! Is that you? on.
 One of the biggest mistakes that singers make is the thought that…
“Confidence comes from experience, so if you just keep doing what you are doing you’ll get better…eventually.” - thinking this is normal...but also a huge mistake.
A couple of questions for you:
  • How do you envision using your singing now and in the future?
  • Is what you are doing right now getting you closer to that dream?
  • At your current rate of progress, when will you be living your dream?
So many singers have big dreams, but no plan. 
Most singers trying to develop their singing skills on their own aren’t hearing or feeling any improvement in their voice right why would you just keep doing what you are doing even though you aren’t hearing any results? Isn’t that the definition of insanity? Now, if this is you, you are not alone. 
So, you m...
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How To Breathe For Singing: Why Breathing With Your Diaphragm Doesn't Work

breathing vocal technique Jan 26, 2021

Good breathing technique is essential for power, volume, consistency and vocal tone. It also plays a role in matching pitch consistently and staying in tune. Breathing impacts a TON of things when it comes to your singing! 

How To Breathe For Singing: The Myth

When you think about how to breathe for singing, what is the first thing that you think of? Is it something like “you have to support from the diaphragm?” Ok, you may be thinking HOW do I support with the diaphragm? 
 Here’s the thing...while your diaphragm is involved with how to breathe for is not the key player. Medical professionals actually disagree on if the diaphragm can be directly controlled. What do I mean? Let’s say you want to move a don’t think too hard about it. But what if you want to move your diaphragm? How do you know you are actually moving your diaphragm and it’s not just your stomach? Well, you don’t.
I want to be able to control my singing directly and most of the s...
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How To Improve Your Singing In Less Than 10 Minutes A Day

improve your singing Jan 25, 2021

What if you could improve your singing voice in less than 10 minutes a day? It’s totally possible and here’s how. 


Why Your Singing Isn’t Improving Right Now 


  • You are running scales mindlessly or practicing your vocal warm-ups without thinking about anything specific. 
  • You aren’t sure exactly what to practice so you’ve been practicing the same vocal warm-ups for years. 
  • No wonder you aren’t getting any better! 
  • You know that you should be practicing your scales or warm-ups, but they are SO boring and your singing is not improving anyway! 

Strategies To Improve Your Singing Faster 


  • Muscle memory and repetition - when a sound comes out that you like you can think “what specifically was I doing differently to get th...
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A Vocal Training Plan To Improve Your Singing 10x Faster

Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you tried, your singing never seems to get any better? You are not alone! If you want to improve your singing, you need a step-by-step vocal training plan. A vocal training plan is essential so that you can: 
  • Use a step-by-step process that has actually worked for singers just like you. 
  • Stop wasting your time wondering what to practice because you know exactly what to do next. 
  • Improve your singing in as little as 10-15 minutes a day 3-4 times a week. 

7 Things That Your Training Plan Needs To Have In Order To Improve Your Singing

Purpose -  WHY do we train in this order? Why does this vocal exercise come first? A lot of vocal methods are not step-by-step and if they are they don’t really tell you the purpose of WHY you are training the way that you are. It is SO important to know the purpose of why you are doing what you are doing so that you can have a deeper understanding of your training. 
Knowledge - There are ...
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Why Your Vocal Warm-Ups Aren't Working - and what to do about it.

warm-ups May 04, 2020

If you are practicing more than 10-15 minutes a day and not hearing your singing improve there is something wrong and it’s not your fault!

Why Your Vocal Warm-Ups Aren’t Working For You 

  • You are running scales mindlessly or practicing your vocal warm-ups without thinking about anything specific. 
  • If this is you, this is NOT your fault. 
  • You search YouTube videos or bought a random audio CD of vocal warm-ups but it has nothing to do with the level you are at or what you want to improve.
 No wonder you aren’t getting any better! 
  • You know that you should be practicing your scales or warm-ups, but they are SO boring and your singing is not improving anyway! 
  • If that’s you check out this training on how to ditch boring and pointless vocal warm-ups. 
  • You have no idea what techniques you “should be” practicing right now in order to hear your singing improve.

Vocal Warm-Ups Vs. Vocal Exercises 

You don’t need to warm-up your voice. I’m going...
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Episode 220: How To Start To Develop Your Own Unique Singing Voice

getting started Apr 26, 2020

In this episode, we talk about how to start to develop your own unique singing voice, why what you've been doing hasn't been working, and what you can do about it.

I want you to feel comfortable and confident with your singing and your vocal performances, so if you would like a 1:1 strategy to transform your singing and vocal performances, let's chat. DM me on Instagram @tiffanyvanboxtel just say "1:1 Strategy" for your free strategy chat.

Subscribe to The Star Singer Podcast for a new episode every Tuesday!

Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

I also created a free training for you over the 4 step Dream Performance Process that I use with singers in my studio to help them to give performances that they are proud of! Check out the free training here >

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