Confidence begins with action. In this episode, it's all about how you can take action today in order to eliminate your stage fright, build your confidence, and make your voice sound great!
If you are a singer who wants give better auditions and standing ovation-worthy performances, then you're not going to want to miss my free class, "Get Cast Fast: 4 Steps To Earning Your Dream Music Theatre Role."
Reserve your seat for the free class "Get Cast Fast: 4 Secrets To Earning Your Dream Music Theatre Role" here
Need some help? I'll point you in the right direction. Just DM me on Instagram @starsingerco
If you have an vocal or singing audition coming up, or are planning on giving an audition in the future, you're not going to want to miss these easy tips. These tips are so easy and a lot of singers make some big mistakes when preparing for auditions that can easily be solved just by listening to this episode.
I'm so excited to share my free class with you!
If you are a singer who wants give better auditions and standing ovation-worthy performances, then you're not going to want to miss my free class, "Get Cast Fast: 4 Steps To Earning Your Dream Music Theatre Role."
Can't wait to see you there!
This episode is part of one of our live trainings in our free Facebook Group: Star Singers.
Join our FREE Facebook Group by clicking here.
Inside our Facebook Group, we have a live training every month and share lots of tips, tricks, and support for your singing.
This month it's all about singing higher. The topics in Episodes 139, 140, and 141 all work together to help you to learn more about singing higher.
Today, we talk about switching between your head and chest voice more quickly and give you some easy tips to help you out.
When you can navigate your vocal break better, it makes you feel more comfortable with your singing and then you can even more fun in your daily singing!
Sing Higher Elite is now available inside The Star Singer Green Room.
Click here to learn more about The Star Singer Green Room.
When you are able to navigate your vocal break you can sing higher with power more and ease. You'll be able to feel much more confident about your singing because you aren't worried about that in between place where it cracks, your vocal break.
Your complete singing higher solution:
Sing Higher Elite, get it inside The Star Singer Green Room.
50% Complete
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