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352: 4 Steps To Loving, Accepting and Improving Your Voice

Star Singer
352: 4 Steps To Loving, Accepting and Improving Your Voice

THE best singers are the ones that know themselves and their voice.


Because when you know yourself - the question isn't "why do I suck today...I always suck?" It's why isn't my voice doing what it usually does.


What DOES your voice usually do? Do you even know? Do you spend enough time with your voice to make that evaluation?


Can you feel where your vocal break is? Can you tell when your voice doesn't shimmer, sparkle, or have the same power as usual? Do you know what your optimal time of day for practice is?


THIS is knowing your voice. And when you know your voice, you can give yourself more grace. You can ask yourself what you need and what you want...instead of feeling frustrated and like you suck all the time.


The reality is that you don't suck...but you don't know your voice.

On today's episode...

We will go through 4 steps that will get you more motivated to love, accept and improve your singing! 



1:1 Voice Lessons - Book...

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351: How To Build Your Singing Confidence - Putting Cookies In Your Jar

Star Singer
351: How To Build Your Singing Confidence - Putting Cookies In Your Jar

Have you ever wondered how to build your singing confidence?

What if you could do it even before you were 100% sure if you sound good?

Confidence is a feeling and it can be something hard to figure out HOW to develop because it can be kind of intangible.

Here are some steps that you can take TODAY to BUILD your singing confidence.


Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • Why singing confidence has NOTHING to do with talent.
  • Exactly how to get started building confidence in yourself as a singer.
  • 3 FREE Resources to get started with your singing practice today.
  • How to start building your singing confidence even if you don't think you sound good.
  • The power of accountability, commitment, and dedication to yourself.


Links from this Episode:

Episode 350: How To Set Your Singing Practice Up For Success

Episode 349: How To Design Your Perfect Vocal Warm-Up

FREE Foundations of Singing Higher Course 

1:1 Voice Lessons 

@Tiffany VanBoxtel 


Full Transcript:


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Episode 350: How To Set Your Singing Practice Up For Success

singing practice Aug 13, 2024
Star Singer
Episode 350: How To Set Your Singing Practice Up For Success

Do your singing practice sessions always feel like a big let down? You went into the practice session with all kinds of high hopes and commitment and dedication - but it's really frustrating when you aren't sure what to do next and you aren't even sure if you sound good.


Your singing practice sessions - they are personal - and it can be really difficult to try to figure out what to do next or think practically when you just feel like you want your singing to get better fast...and it isn't


On today's episode, I'm going to share some practical resources that you not only need, but DESERVE, in order to make your practice sessions successful.


Episode 349: How To Design Your Perfect Vocal Warm-Up

1:1 Voice Lessons 

$1 Green Room Trial 

@Tiffany VanBoxtel 


Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • You spend so much time trying to make your singing better - have you ever considered how to make your practice easier and more effective?
  • 7 FREE Resources that...
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