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Episode 349: How To Design Your Perfect Vocal Warm-Up

vocal warm up Aug 06, 2024
Star Singer
Episode 349: How To Design Your Perfect Vocal Warm-Up

Do you ever wonder what is the most effective way to warm-up your voice? Ok, honestly, you've probably never thought about it beyond warming up your voice. You have a few "go to" vocal exercises, but they are kind of boring. 

You aren't sure how to actually improve and then after you warm-up you don't really know how to practice either. 

This is totally normal! But it can't be the norm if you want to become better singer. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The 3 things that you NEED to include in your vocal warm-up.
  • The 2 things that you've probably never considered adding to your warm-up that are going to make a HUGE difference.
  • An exact formula for your next vocal warm-up session. 


1:1 Voice Lessons 

FREE Foundations of Singing Course 

$1 Green Room Trial 

@Tiffany VanBoxtel 


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Full Transcript:

Do you ever wonder what is the most effective way to warm up? Okay, you probably don...

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