You don't have a singing higher problem, you have a singing foundation problem.
On today's episode, I'll go through the exact step-by-step process that I use to help singers sing higher the easy way!
Key Takeaways
FREE Foundations of Singing Higher Course
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Full TranscriptionÂ
  You don't have a singing higher problem. You have a singing foundation problem. And this is great news. Because it's so easy to fix. On today's episode, I'll go through the exact step by step process that I use to help singers sing higher the easy way. You'll get the inf...
So, I had a FIRST lesson with a singer the other day...
He wanted to improve his high notes and have them come out in a more full tone...his mix was already pretty good... so within the first 30 seconds I fixed his high notes.
Wanna know how?
Listen to the rest of this podcast!
1:1 Voice Lessons with TiffanyÂ
FREE Foundations of Singing Higher CourseÂ
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Full Transcript
  Okay, I'm just too good at what I do. So I had a first lesson with a singer the other day and he wanted to improve his high notes and have them come out in a more full tone. His mix between his head voice and chest voice was already like pretty decent and within the first 30 seconds I fixed his high notes which is why he scheduled the voice lesson with me in the first place.
Literally 30 seconds. Do you want to know how? That's coming up in the rest of this podcast. Welcome to the star singer pod...
50% Complete
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