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Episode 347: Singers, STOP These 3 Breathing Mistakes

Star Singer
Episode 347: Singers, STOP These 3 Breathing Mistakes


Breathing technique for singing CAN be one of the most frustrating things...there are SO many things to think about - you probably have a ton of questions AND there are a ton of myths out there. 

My philosophy is that SINGING IS SIMPLE and breathing technique for singing, it's no different. 

In this episode, we go through 3 of the most common mistakes that singers make when you breathe and what to do instead. 


Key takeaways from this episode:

  • The BEST way to get started with foundational breathing technique for singing.
  • The 3 most common mistakes that singers make when it comes to breathing.
  • How to start to develop muscle memory in the breath as a singer. 
  • The fastest way to consistency in pitch and vocal tone through using your breath.



1:1 Voice Lessons 

$1 Green Room Trial 


346: When I hear “breathe with the diaphragm”…insert eyeroll here.

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